St. Joseph's National School,
028 31541
Here at Dromore NS we love music. We have many talented singers and musicians in the school. Our Christmas concerts, plays, Masses and another demonstrations are our fun way of showcasing all the wonderful talent in the school.
This year (22/23), we have invested in some new musical instruments - a set of glockenspiels and some tin whistles - with the Creative Schools grant.
Grandparents Day Service
January 25th, 2023
We held a short service at Dromore Church to celebrate our family and friends and in particular our wonderful Grandparents during Catholic Schools Week. We enjoyed tea, coffee and chats back at the school afterwards. There was a great turn out and all the children were delighted to show their grandparents and parents around their classrooms and to meet their friends etc. Thanks to everyone who could make it, it was great to see you! To those who couldn't make it, as always, you were in our thoughts. Check out the songs we sang for our grandparents below...
First, second and third class learned Wonder by Emeli Sandé. They also learn the sign for it and performed it for school and some lucky parents on World Book Day. You are all certainly Full of Wonder. ❤️
Music with Ms Walsh. Ms Walsh brought in a few of her instruments. The children got to listen to her play as well as hold and try out the instruments themselves. They also compared some of the instruments.